My Spoiled-ness is Ruining My Overseas Experience...
I'm 31 years old, and up until about three months ago, I had lived my entire life in the United States of America. Sure, I've gone on a cruise outside of the country before, and I made a crazy trip to Tijuana back in 2004, but beyond those experiences, I'm American born and raised. When I left America in August, I was excited to be getting away because things in America seemed to be getting bad. Race tensions were rising, the presidential elections was dividing everyone, and I just wasn't really feeling the vibes as I left. However, as the time has passed, I realize that maybe leaving wasn't going to be as awesome as I expected. Now, let's not get me wrong here. There's a lot to enjoy about Spain. I have really enjoyed the culture here and how friendly most people here are. It's been fun to travel to the different cities we've gone to here, and we've seen a lot of great stuff, even some castles! Hell, we live 10 minutes from the bea...