Majilla "Down For You" Single Review
Watch the Video Review Here! Early last week, I received an email from an individual asking to check out an artist, and he presented me with the artist's latest single for my review. I was honored to be asked to do it, because I'm not a big voice of the media, YouTube, Blogosphere, etc. So I appreciate someone watching my channel, or reading my thoughts here. So of course, I obliged. The artist's name is Majilla, and she's an artist from Akron, Ohio. She's a very mysterious artist, as there aren't any pictures to be found of her, which shows her face or anything about her physical appearance. This is cool to me, as that makes things strictly about the music, similar to one of my favorite artists of all-time, MF DOOM. So with the appearance factor out of the way, what do we have to focus on and love about this artist? Simple, her voice. And while the song features autotune assisting her vocals, it sounds to me as if she can actually sing with...