
Showing posts from August, 2014

If Only I Could Sing..... (The Music Blog pt.1)

     A few years ago, I released an album entitled, The Miserable Mind of Marques. It was probably the most personal record that I've ever recorded, and I told a few stories that I normally wouldn't share through my music. I've always been open about my love life or my love interests for the most part, but on that album, I think I shared a lot of the pain that I'd gone through with love. Love is something I've always struggled with, and is something I still have a hard time with. I'm 29 years old, married with children, and for the most part, I'm in a good place in my life, but love is still something I struggle with. If you've listened to M3, you've probably noticed this.       I've been teasing the idea musically of a Miserable Mind of Marques pt. 2, as I feel there are more love stories to be told, as I've been through a lot that I haven't discussed, or in some cases, haven't gotten over. Music, writing the lyrics and putting it t...


     Quick blog this morning from my phone. I usually never blog from anywhere but my Chromebook, but I had something on my mind that I just needed to get out really fast.      Black women, I love you. I'm not sure why I have to explain that all the time. I've always loved you. Why do I get asked or questioned about this all the time? I know my father told me that I don't have to answer to this, but I am constantly questioned about my love for women of my own color and skin tone. Until I was maybe, 20, every girlfriend I ever had was a black girl. My elementary school sweetheart, I say elementary school because we met in the 5th grade and have known each other since, is a black woman. Is it because I'm married to a white woman that I constantly have to hear this criticism and doubt of my love for black women? It's disturbing to hear this day in and day out. Not very much gets under my skin in life as far as comments are concerned, but that one pi...

Children Are Who They're Trained to Be

     What's going on everyone? Thanks for tuning in to me tonight, or whenever you decided to tune in. I truly appreciate it. Tonight's topic stems from a conversation I had with a young lady earlier today. This young lady I spoke with earlier is a mixed young lady, with a black mother, and a white father. Nothing wrong with that, as I'm also in an interracial relationship, but here's the problem. Her mother, is racist, but not in the way that you'd think. Her mother, who is black, is racist...... Against black people.... Sound weird? Let me continue.     I'm not sure what we were talking about that got us on this topic, but she began to explain to me how her mother wouldn't allow her and her sister to play with Barbie dolls of color, how her mother didn't like "Nappy" hair, which in her words, means natural black hair that a lot of women wear, and also, how happy her mother is that her son looks so white (she's married to a white man, jus...

The Blog I Said I'd Never Write

     When I was 17 years old, I lived on Fort Benning, Georgia, which, for those that don't know, if an Army base near the city of Columbus, Georgia, and about an hour or so south of Atlanta. I worked at the commissary back then, bagging groceries for tips. Not bad money for a 17 year old about to graduate high school, but I digress. One day, I was at work, and decided to take a break and go next door to the PX with a buddy of mine, who just so happened to be white. Normally, that doesn't matter, but it does in this particular instance.      Anyway, we go over to the PX, and we're looking around like we typically did. I checked out some video games, checked out the new music, made a mental note of some things to come back for when I had more money, etc. Before we even went into the store, we were talking about how another one of the guys that worked with us, had told us about how he had went into the PX and stolen some things. I remember thinking the dude ...

Music & Me

     What's goin on everyone? Thank you for tuning in tonight, I truly appreciate it. As most of you know, in my spare time, I'm also a rapper. I'd say I'm pretty decent, and will be even better in the future, with some focus. And tonight, that's what I wanted to talk about with you all. My focus on music.     From 2007-2012, I released about four mixtapes/albums, two of which are available for free on (Blaze vs Doom and Love, Life, & Lyrics: The Kentucky Way). For better or for worse, when I locked in on those projects, those were the only things that mattered for me, at least as far as my focus is concerned. I would come home from work, listen to beats, write, think about different concepts at work, etc. I really set my focus on trying to make the best music, best lyrics, and best concepts that I could. In some cases, however, this was a mistake.      There were a few years there, where I was more focused on my music, than be...

Dear Raf 09 Aug 14: Insecurities

     What's up everyone? Thank you all for tuning in with me tonight. I'm back with another Dear Raf Segment for the night. I haven't done one of these in a while, but I got a good topic the other night from an old friend, and I figured I'd role with it. So let's not delay any longer, and get right into it.            Dear Raf: What's with people and their insecurities in relationships?           I think it's a pretty safe assumption to say that most of us have been through this at one point or another. In this particular case, this friend's girlfriend's friend, had some insecurities in her life, and was trying to put words into his girlfriends ear, telling her to watch him as he spoke to a different female. However, the girlfriend is the one who told the guy to talk to the other woman, for his business. So really, the girlfriend's friend should have stayed out of their business, right? Moving along.   ...

A Story About Sneakers and Me

     I use to always think, not so long ago, that people would think I was self-centered and arrogant if I focused so much on my fashion and how I looked. Those of you who know me well probably remember a time when I didn't really care about shoes, or the outfits that I wear with them. I used to be more concerned about my gadgets, video games, and more specifically, my music collection. But around February of 2013, that all changed.      I was recovering from my second knee surgery around that time, and had grown a pretty decent beard and hobbled around in sweat pants and a baggy t-shirt, maybe 65% of the time. For one, the sweats were easier to get on over the bandaging on my leg, and two, they were comfortable. I was also not in the best of shape back then (still not where I want to be, but more on that later.), so the baggy sweats and tees covered up a lot of the fatness I had. Once I was able to walk around fairly good again after the surgery, I was ...

The Genius that is Kanye West

     What's goin on everyone? If you're tuned in with me right now, I thank you, and appreciate you taking the time out to read my thoughts and views. This past Thursday, my mother and I went out to the movies and saw, "Get On Up," the James Brown biopic. As far as movies like this are concerned, it's one of the best I've seen. Ray, the biopic about Ray Charles, is my favorite biopic about musicians, and I'd put Get On Up, right up there with it. I left the movie theater feeling good, and also feeling motivated to get back to writing and working on new music myself. James Brown's work ethic couldn't be matched at the time, and like it's mentioned throughout the movie, there's a bit of James Brown in everyone who followed him that did music. The man was a musical genius, but at the same time, James Brown was an asshole. And that part, the part about him being an asshole, is what got me thinking.      Every musical genius that I can think ...