
     Quick blog this morning from my phone. I usually never blog from anywhere but my Chromebook, but I had something on my mind that I just needed to get out really fast.
     Black women, I love you. I'm not sure why I have to explain that all the time. I've always loved you. Why do I get asked or questioned about this all the time? I know my father told me that I don't have to answer to this, but I am constantly questioned about my love for women of my own color and skin tone. Until I was maybe, 20, every girlfriend I ever had was a black girl. My elementary school sweetheart, I say elementary school because we met in the 5th grade and have known each other since, is a black woman. Is it because I'm married to a white woman that I constantly have to hear this criticism and doubt of my love for black women? It's disturbing to hear this day in and day out. Not very much gets under my skin in life as far as comments are concerned, but that one pisses me off daily. If you know me well enough, you know not very much can do that. Without going to deep into it, especially since I'm married now,  there once was a woman, who when I was around her, would give me the same feeling that Doug Funnie felt when Patty Mayonnaise came around him. Music playing, eyes turn to hearts, loss of consciousness, all that. Her name is ....... And she lives down in .......... And she my friends, is a black woman, and one that I set the standard of any other woman against.
    Anyway, that's all I got to say about that. A more formal blog is coming later. I'm just really sick of the assumption that I don't love my own women. Get that out of your head you ignorant f**ks. Hope you all have a great day, and thanks for reading.


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