Company Ink

So it's been a little over five years since I last blogged, but today I begin my new blogging journey. A few of my friends told me I should get back into it, due to my good ideas and writing ability, so I'll give it another shot. While at work, I was trying to figure out a good topic to discuss for my return post. I went over a ton of different options from work, sports ( particularly Lebron James today), music, movies, etc, but I finally decided on one topic: Dipping your pen in company ink.
Let me say, that prior to 2011, I had never even heard this phrase before. It was around that time, that a female coworker, who lived close to me, needed a ride home. I said sure, I could take her home, especially since it wasn't out of my way. Once she left from my office, my other coworkers started teasing me, and saying I had a little work crush. You know? Typical work stuff. My boss, who was in on the jokes, says to me, " All right, don't go dipping your pen in company ink." I didn't know what it meant at first, but I soon figured it out. This joke, despite how untrue it is, has gone for years, and still to this day! I was married then and now, and the girl is also now married, so there was never any truth to it, but still a funny joke among coworkers.
  Anyway, I bring this story up to ask you all your thoughts on the matter? For those of you who don't exactly know what the phrase means, dipping your pen in the company ink means, that you're having sex with a coworker. I'll keep it funky, back in my younger days, before my current career, I've done this. I've also seen others do this then, and even nowadays. I don't particularly have much of an issue with it, but I do see where it could be a problem. Sometimes, sex leads to people catching feelings for each other, even if there was a pre-arranged agreement set up. But in some cases, it's just sex! Two people that just so happen to work together, have an attraction for each other and do the nasty. No biggie really to me. As long as the adults are cool about the situation, I say get down and do the nasty.
What do you all think? Would you ever dip your pen in the company ink, or have a pen dipped in your ink ladies? Hahahaha. Sounds weird in that context, but sound off and let me know what you all think.


  1. No I don't see nothing wrong with it. I was involved with a coworker fell in love and we made a baby. I don't regret it, but there are a few personal decisions I would change. It ultimately depends on the two ppl involved.

    1. Great feedback Tiensha. Thanks for the input. See good can come from such acts.

  2. There is no reason not to pursue it. Just make sure that if the situation goes sour, the other person takes the fall. After all, it's all about #1. And, if it goes well, the other person can try to move within the organization or to another organization.

    1. Great insight there Justin. It is indeed all about #1.


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