You're Really Not That Pretty Lady.....

    I work with a majority of women, I'm married to one, have three daughters, my mother, a step-mother, a godmother, a mother-in-law, and countless female friends. While we as men will probably never quite understand women ( women understand women, which is why they hate each other... or so I've heard.), I for one try to study them, and learn as much about them as I can. This not only helps me know their likes and dislikes, but, it also teaches me MY likes and dislikes about them. One major thing that I've come to really dislike about women in my 29 years on this earth, is women who think they're attractive, and act that way as well. Let me explain.
     I have met plenty of physically beautiful women
 in my lifetime. I couldn't even come close to counting how many I've come across. But in all that time, there's not very many that I've met that were beautiful physically, AND mentally. It's gotta be a combination of the two ladies. Sure, you can be pretty, and have your hair done, nails done, feet done, and be dressed in some decent clothes. You can have your makeup done right, breasts all perky and sitting up high, round booty and legs nice. But if your mind isn't right? You're as good as ugly. I have come to despise hearing a woman talk about how out of a man's league she is, or how much better looking she is than someone else. I've also come to not like when these "pretty women" talk down about women who they either think looks worse than them (whether it being not in as good of shape as them, or whatever other physical feature), or a woman who a guy or guys are attracted to, potentially more than them. That's childish! It's one thing to have confidence in yourself, and believe in yourself. That's awesome, but to be arrogant and/or conceited? That instantly makes a woman that could've been a 10, a mediocre 4.

      I bring this up because I know women like this. I know women who do nothing all day but criticize other women for various reasons, specifically those mentioned above, not realizing how unattractive they making themselves in the process. In my opinion, real beautiful women are those who truly are attractive, and may even know how attractive and desired by men that they are, but ACT like they're not. They're humble about things. They don't go around hating on other attractive women, or badmouthing those who may not be in as good of physical shape as them. They're respectful. They act like normal human beings and not act as if they're God's gift to men. I find that more attractive than any perfect looking women. I love women who look great, dream big, and have goals to change the world! Not women who just want to look good, and get taken care of by some dumb man who only cares about how women look.
      But..... that's just my opinion. What do you all think? 


  1. I totally agree, that's my vice with some of these women. A lot of them think they are God's gift to us but ultimately I can ignore them bc if you choose to be that ignorant you can't be that much of a happy person. I feel it takes more to say a negative then a positive about someone and what do you gain from being a negative Nancy lol... beauty to me is all that, that you named in your blog. I'm a woman who can give another woman a compliment and not feel a certain type of way

  2. I agree with you 100%. You hit the nail right on the head. I honestly don't even make a judgement call until I hear a woman speak. She can be a 15 on a 1-to-10 scale, but until I suspect her mind isn't occupied with vanity, she might as well be a manican. I'm witcha, man. I feel ya.

    Keep up the blogs...


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