I Salute You Stephen A. Smith... And Here's Why...
For those of you who didn't know, I'm a member of the world's greatest Air Force. I don't speak about my military career in my music, or blogs too often, if at all, because I typically like to keep those two worlds separate. However, with the recent events of ESPN suspending Stephen A. Smith over his remarks of domestic abuse, I felt there was a need for me to open up about an instance of my own that is very similar to the backlash he's receiving. I was never suspended, or in any real trouble, but I did receive tremendous backlash in my situation. About a year ago, I attended an annual briefing that we have for Sexual Assault. Usually, this is a really dry briefing, that is aimed at raising awareness to sexual assault, why not to do it, how to respond if it happens to you, and things of that nature. Well, at this particular briefing, there was a scenario being used, where there was a young fella who has a history of trying to make moves on this y...